Well, the raiding season is officially open with Cataclysm! Even if it opened with a mini-instance of Baradin Hold. Nonetheless, me and my guildies did manage to down (the so far only boss) Argaloth. Go us! Guild first and everything, on 10 man :)
Now, I've gotta say I was a bit wary going in what with only recently reached the level to actually enter heroics.. And the first try we only got him (it? her?) about half way down, but the second attempt was an utter success. Great healing, über tanking, and very decent dps :)
The fight itself is rather straighforward. Basically just split your raid into two even groups placed on opposite sides of the boss. Then just have your tanks take turns with taunting Argaloth at appropriate moments. Directly after an ability called Meteor Slash would qualify as an appropriate moment. The damage from this ability is divided between all the targets in the area, which is why you don't want your tanks standing alone. The reason to have two groups instead of one big bundle (and also the reason for taunting in turns) is a debuff from Meteor Slash that increases fire damage you will recieve.
Besides that there's a phase with blotches of fire appearing on the floor (spread about, get out of the fire, get out of the fire, get out of the fire..), rinse and repeat. And that's about it. For more in-depth tactics I'd suggest visiting the link above (click ze boss name), or the link over here to Tankspot (Awesome site for Instance guides, can't recommend enough!).
That's about it for Baradin Hold as of now. I assume we shall see additions in the fashion of Vault of Archavon.
So this wouldn't be all "Oh I'm So Awesome!" , here's a picture of yours truly meeting a squishy end in the hands (oh I do so hope it was hands, and not something more... unsavoury) of Forgemaster Throngus:
Just what every brave adventurer wants to hear as they take their last breath, "Throngus use your corpse on body. Somewhere..." Yeah, that run wasn't exactly what you'd call a success.. But so far cleared heroic places include The Lost City of Tol'Vir, Shadowfang Keep.. Um, yep. That's it. But now that I've gotten a taste, there will be more to come be sure of it!
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